Class ChangeControl

public class ChangeControl extends SearchControl

Java class for ChangeControl complex type.

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

 <complexType name="ChangeControl">
 <extension base="{}SearchControl">
 <element name="checkPoint" type="{}CheckPointType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
 <element name="changeTypes" type="{}token" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>

The ChangeControl object extends the SearchControl object and defines two properties: checkPoint and changeTypes.

The ChangeControl data object provides a client application with the ability to query federated repositories for changed entities, such as new, modified, and deleted entities, from a specified checkpoint onwards.

A client application can use the ChangeControl data object to synchronize its internal cache or other repositories, with the user registry, and provide a secure environment using the latest information in its cache or repositories. *

There could be one or more instances of checkPoint in a ChangeControl data object, depending on the number of repositories involved in a search.

  • checkPoint: defines the checkpoint for repositories configured in VMM. It is a list that contains the repositoryId and the repositoryCheckPoint.
  • changeTypes: represents the type of changes to return. It is a list of valid change types:
    • add: for CHANGETYPE_ADD
    • delete: for CHANGETYPE_DELETE
    • modify: for CHANGETYPE_MODIFY
    • rename: for CHANGETYPE_RENAME
    • *: for CHANGETYPE_ALL
  • Constructor Details

    • ChangeControl

      public ChangeControl()
  • Method Details

    • getCheckPoint

      public List<CheckPointType> getCheckPoint()
      Gets the value of the checkPoint property.

      This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. This is why there is not a set method for the checkPoint property.

      For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


      Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list CheckPointType

    • isSetCheckPoint

      public boolean isSetCheckPoint()
      Returns true if the checkPoint property is set; false, otherwise.
      returned object is boolean
    • unsetCheckPoint

      public void unsetCheckPoint()
      Resets the checkPoint property to null.
    • getChangeTypes

      public List<String> getChangeTypes()
      Gets the value of the changeTypes property.

      This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. This is why there is not a set method for the changeTypes property.

      For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


      Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list String

    • isSetChangeTypes

      public boolean isSetChangeTypes()
      Returns true if the changeTypes property is set; false, otherwise.
      returned object is boolean
    • unsetChangeTypes

      public void unsetChangeTypes()
      Resets the changeTypes property to null.
    • get

      public Object get(String propName)
      Gets the value of the requested property
      get in class SearchControl
      propName - allowed object is String
      returned object is Object
    • isSet

      public boolean isSet(String propName)
      Returns true if the requested property is set; false, otherwise.
      isSet in class SearchControl
      returned object is boolean
    • set

      public void set(String propName, Object value)
      Sets the value of the provided property to the provided value.
      set in class SearchControl
      propName - allowed object is String
      value - allowed object is Object
    • unset

      public void unset(String propName)
      Sets the value of provided property to null.
      unset in class SearchControl
      propName - allowed object is String
    • getTypeName

      public String getTypeName()
      Gets the name of this model object, ChangeControl
      getTypeName in class SearchControl
      returned object is String
    • getPropertyNames

      public static List getPropertyNames(String entityTypeName)
      Gets a list of all supported properties for this model object, ChangeControl
      entityTypeName - allowed object is String
      returned object is List
    • getDataType

      public String getDataType(String propName)
      Gets the Java type of the value of the provided property. For example: String, List
      getDataType in class SearchControl
      propName - allowed object is String
      returned object is String
    • getSuperTypes

      public ArrayList getSuperTypes()
      Gets a list of any model objects which this model object, ChangeControl, is an extension of.
      getSuperTypes in class SearchControl
      returned object is ArrayList
    • isSubType

      public boolean isSubType(String superTypeName)
      Returns a true if the provided model object is one that this model object extends; false, otherwise.
      isSubType in class SearchControl
      superTypeName - allowed object is String
      returned object is boolean
    • getSubTypes

      public static HashSet getSubTypes()
      Gets a set of any model objects which extend this model object, ChangeControl
      returned object is HashSet
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns this model object, ChangeControl, and its contents as a String
      toString in class SearchControl
      returned object is String