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Install a signed certificate with Automatic Certificate Management Environment Support 2.0 in Open Liberty

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Jakub Pomykala on Sep 25, 2020
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With Open Liberty you can now install a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) using the Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol for improved testing or user experience. Also in this release there are a number of significant bug fixes.

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Install a signed certificate with Automatic Certificate Management Environment Support 2.0 (acmeCA-2.0)

For default Transport Security (SSL/TLS) support, Open Liberty provides a self-signed certificate. With the Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Support 2.0 feature, a Certificate Authority (CA) signed certificate can be installed, providing a trusted certificate for an improved testing or user experience. The self-signed certificate from Open Liberty allows you to enable transport security right away, but most browsers will mark the certificate as insecure and provide a warning or error to the user when accessing a website with a self-signed certificate. Although a CA signed certificate solves this problem, it can be costly and may not be available during development and testing. Getting a CA signed certificate (for example, Lets Encrypt), provides a middle ground of a trusted certificate.

With the Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Support 2.0 feature, provide the directory URI for the ACME CA and the domain name for the server. Public ACME providers call back on port 80 to verify domain ownership before issuing a certificate. When the Open Liberty server starts, the provided CA directory URI will be used to request a certificate. The CA signed certificate is installed in the keystore and acts as the default certificate.

Add the feature to the server.xml:


<acmeCA directoryURI="" >
    <accountContact>mailto:[email protected]</accountContact>

<httpEndpoint host="*" httpPort="80" httpsPort="443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint"/>
<keyStore password="password_for_keystore" id="defaultKeyStore"/>

For more information:

Significant bugs fixed in this release

We’ve spent some time fixing bugs. The following sections describe just some of the issues we resolved in this release. If you’re interested, here’s the full list of fixed bugs in

Enabling openTracing with no tracer class configured

When the MicroProfile 3.x feature is enabled, mpOpenTracing-1.3 is also enabled even if you have no intention of using OpenTracing. Most likely the tracer fails to load because it is not added to the classpath. Previously, mpOpenTracing-1.3 code tried to load the tracer on every JAX-RS request. This logic has been improved by loading the tracer only once to improve efficiency. Subsequent requests do not load the tracer again. Also the tracer loaded for the application will be removed when the application stops.

Resolved in issue 12613.

Readiness check reports UP when application fails to start

The MicroProfile Health Check reports UP when application fails to start. This bug was fixed by changing the implementation to test for the following:

  • Proper state changes when a failing to start app is deployed before server start.

  • Proper state changes when apps are deployed before server start.

  • Proper state changes when apps are dynamically deployed after server start (including delayed apps).

  • Proper state changes from success to failure, when a subsequent app fails health checks.

  • No effect on a failed health check state when a subsequent app succeeds health checks.

Resolved in issue 11722.

Support IIOP transmission of Supplemental Multilingual Plane characters (such as emoji) in (wide) Strings

Have you ever wished you could send 😀  in your IIOP transmission? Probably not, but now you can! All thanks to the update of Yoko ORB which was used by Open Liberty to one that supports the transmission of Supplemental Multilingual Plane Unicode text characters, which are encoded as two 16-byte values.

Resolved in issue 13613.

PostgreSQL tables are not automatically generated for transaction recovery

It’s possible to configure Liberty to use a database for its transaction logs as documented. PostgreSQL used to be one of the databases for which the necessary tables had to be created manually using the documented DDL as a guide. Now, Liberty can automatically create these tables for PostgreSQL.

Resolved in issue 13817.

Kafka connector can report failure for acknowledgements which eventually succeed

When Message.ack() is called, the Kafka connector returns a result as a CompletionStage which completes when the Kafka commit operation has completed successfully. In some cases, the Kafka commit operation can fail and report a retriable exception, for example if there is a temporary problem contacting the Kafka broker. Previously, the Kafka connector would report the retriable exception via the CompletionStage, but if it then went to run a commit operation for a later offset, the earlier messages would actually be successfully committed. With this fix, if a Kafka commit operation fails with a retryable exception, the Kafka connector will retry the commit operation as necessary and will not report the exception via the CompletionStage. If the commit operation eventually succeeds, the success will be reported via the CompletionStage.

Find out more about message acknowledgement in reactive systems in our new reactive messaging guide.

Resolved in issue 13404.

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