Package jakarta.mail

Class Authenticator

    • Constructor Detail

      • Authenticator

        public Authenticator()
        Creates a default Authenticator. There are no abstract methods, but to be useful the user must subclass.
        See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getRequestingSite

        protected final getRequestingSite()
        the InetAddress of the site requesting authorization, or null if it's not available.
      • getRequestingPort

        protected final int getRequestingPort()
        the port for the requested connection
      • getRequestingProtocol

        protected final java.lang.String getRequestingProtocol()
        Give the protocol that's requesting the connection. Often this will be based on a URLName.
        the protcol
        See Also:
      • getRequestingPrompt

        protected final java.lang.String getRequestingPrompt()
        the prompt string given by the requestor
      • getDefaultUserName

        protected final java.lang.String getDefaultUserName()
        the default user name given by the requestor
      • getPasswordAuthentication

        protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication()
        Called when password authentication is needed. Subclasses should override the default implementation, which returns null.

        Note that if this method uses a dialog to prompt the user for this information, the dialog needs to block until the user supplies the information. This method can not simply return after showing the dialog.

        The PasswordAuthentication collected from the user, or null if none is provided.