Package jakarta.mail

Interface MultipartDataSource

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface MultipartDataSource
    extends DataSource
    MultipartDataSource is a DataSource that contains body parts. This allows "mail aware" DataContentHandlers to be implemented more efficiently by being aware of such DataSources and using the appropriate methods to access BodyParts.

    Note that the data of a MultipartDataSource is also available as an input stream.

    This interface will typically be implemented by providers that preparse multipart bodies, for example an IMAP provider.

    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getCount

        int getCount()
        Return the number of enclosed BodyPart objects.
        number of parts
      • getBodyPart

        BodyPart getBodyPart​(int index)
                      throws MessagingException
        Get the specified Part. Parts are numbered starting at 0.
        index - the index of the desired Part
        the Part
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the given index is out of range.
        MessagingException - for other failures