Annotation Type DatabaseIdentityStoreDefinition

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface DatabaseIdentityStoreDefinition
    Annotation used to define a container-provided IdentityStore that stores caller credentials and identity attributes in a relational database, and make that implementation available as an enabled CDI bean.

    The container-provided IdentityStore must support validating UsernamePasswordCredential, and may support validating other credential types.

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.String callerQuery
      SQL query to validate the {caller, password} pair.
      java.lang.String dataSourceLookup
      Full JNDI name of the data source that provides access to the data base where the caller identities are stored.
      java.lang.String groupsQuery
      SQL query to retrieve the groups associated with the caller when authentication succeeds.
      java.lang.Class<? extends PasswordHash> hashAlgorithm
      A PasswordHash implementation used to verify plaintext passwords by generating a hash of the password and comparing it against the hashed value returned from the database via the callerQuery().
      java.lang.String[] hashAlgorithmParameters
      Used to specify algorithm-specific parameters.
      int priority
      Determines the order in case multiple IdentityStores are found.
      java.lang.String priorityExpression
      Allow priority to be specified as a Jakarta Expression Language expression.
      IdentityStore.ValidationType[] useFor
      Determines what the identity store is used for
      java.lang.String useForExpression
      Allow useFor to be specified as an Jakarta Expression Language expression.
    • Element Detail

      • dataSourceLookup

        java.lang.String dataSourceLookup
        Full JNDI name of the data source that provides access to the data base where the caller identities are stored.
        Full JNDI name of the data source
      • callerQuery

        java.lang.String callerQuery
        SQL query to validate the {caller, password} pair. Only needed when useFor() contains IdentityStore.ValidationType.VALIDATE.

        The name of the caller that is to be authenticated has to be set as the one and only placeholder. The (hashed) password should be in the first column of the result.

        Example query:

         select password from callers where name = ?
        SQL query to validate
      • groupsQuery

        java.lang.String groupsQuery
        SQL query to retrieve the groups associated with the caller when authentication succeeds. Only needed when useFor() contains IdentityStore.ValidationType.PROVIDE_GROUPS.

        The name of the caller that has been authenticated has to be set as the one and only placeholder. The group name should be in the first column of the result.

        Example query:

         select group_name from caller_groups where caller_name = ?
        SQL query to retrieve the groups
      • hashAlgorithm

        java.lang.Class<? extends PasswordHash> hashAlgorithm
        A PasswordHash implementation used to verify plaintext passwords by generating a hash of the password and comparing it against the hashed value returned from the database via the callerQuery().
        The password hash used to verify plaintext passwords.
      • hashAlgorithmParameters

        java.lang.String[] hashAlgorithmParameters
        Used to specify algorithm-specific parameters.

        Parameters are specified as a list of name/value pairs, using the format below:


        For example:


        This attribute supports immediate Jakarta Expression Language expressions (${} syntax) for both the parameterValue as well as for a full array element. If an EL expression is used for a full array element, the expression must evaluate to either a single string, a string array or a string Stream where in each case every string must adhere to the above specified format.

        The algorithm parameters.
      • priority

        int priority
        Determines the order in case multiple IdentityStores are found.
        the priority.
      • priorityExpression

        java.lang.String priorityExpression
        Allow priority to be specified as a Jakarta Expression Language expression. If set, overrides any value set with priority.
        the priority Jakarta Expression Language expression
      • useFor

        IdentityStore.ValidationType[] useFor
        Determines what the identity store is used for
        the type the identity store is used for
      • useForExpression

        java.lang.String useForExpression
        Allow useFor to be specified as an Jakarta Expression Language expression. If set, overrides any value set with useFor.
        the useFor Jakarta Expression Language expression