Interface ServletRequestAttributeListener

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ServletRequestAttributeListener
    extends java.util.EventListener
    Interface for receiving notification events about ServletRequest attribute changes.

    Notifications will be generated while the request is within the scope of the web application. A ServletRequest is defined as coming into scope of a web application when it is about to enter the first servlet or filter of the web application, and as going out of scope when it exits the last servlet or the first filter in the chain.

    In order to receive these notification events, the implementation class must be either declared in the deployment descriptor of the web application, annotated with WebListener, or registered via one of the addListener methods defined on ServletContext.

    The order in which implementations of this interface are invoked is unspecified.

    Servlet 2.4
    • Method Detail

      • attributeAdded

        default void attributeAdded​(ServletRequestAttributeEvent srae)
        Receives notification that an attribute has been added to the ServletRequest.
        srae - the ServletRequestAttributeEvent containing the ServletRequest and the name and value of the attribute that was added
      • attributeRemoved

        default void attributeRemoved​(ServletRequestAttributeEvent srae)
        Receives notification that an attribute has been removed from the ServletRequest.
        srae - the ServletRequestAttributeEvent containing the ServletRequest and the name and value of the attribute that was removed
      • attributeReplaced

        default void attributeReplaced​(ServletRequestAttributeEvent srae)
        Receives notification that an attribute has been replaced on the ServletRequest.
        srae - the ServletRequestAttributeEvent containing the ServletRequest and the name and (old) value of the attribute that was replaced