Interface BeanDescriptor

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface BeanDescriptor
    extends ElementDescriptor
    Describes a constrained Java Bean and the constraints associated to it. All objects returned by the methods of this descriptor (and associated objects including ConstraintDescriptors) are immutable.
    • Method Detail

      • isBeanConstrained

        boolean isBeanConstrained()
        Returns true if the bean involves validation:
        • a constraint is hosted on the bean itself
        • a constraint is hosted on one of the bean properties
        • or a bean property is marked for cascaded validation (Valid)

        Constrained methods and constructors are ignored.

        true if the bean involves validation, false otherwise
      • getConstraintsForProperty

        PropertyDescriptor getConstraintsForProperty​(java.lang.String propertyName)
        Returns the property descriptor for a given property.

        Returns null if the property does not exist or has no constraint nor is marked as cascaded (see getConstrainedProperties()) Properties of super types are considered.

        propertyName - property evaluated
        the property descriptor for a given property
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if propertyName is null
      • getConstrainedProperties

        java.util.Set<PropertyDescriptor> getConstrainedProperties()
        Returns a set of property descriptors having at least one constraint defined or marked as cascaded (Valid).

        If no property matches, an empty set is returned. Properties of super types are considered.

        the set of PropertyDescriptors for the constraint properties; if there are no constraint properties, the empty set is returned
      • getConstraintsForMethod

        MethodDescriptor getConstraintsForMethod​(java.lang.String methodName,
                                                 java.lang.Class<?>... parameterTypes)
        Returns a method descriptor for the given method.

        Returns null if no method with the given name and parameter types exists or the specified method neither has parameter or return value constraints nor a parameter or return value marked for cascaded validation. Methods of super types are considered.

        methodName - the name of the method
        parameterTypes - the parameter types of the method
        a method descriptor for the given method
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if methodName is null
      • getConstrainedMethods

        java.util.Set<MethodDescriptor> getConstrainedMethods​(MethodType methodType,
                                                              MethodType... methodTypes)
        Returns a set with descriptors for the constrained methods of the bean represented by this descriptor.

        Constrained methods have at least one parameter or return value constraint or at least one parameter or return value marked for cascaded validation. Methods of super types are considered.

        Only methods matching the given method type(s) are considered.

        methodType - method type to consider
        methodTypes - remaining optional method types to consider
        a set with descriptors for the constrained methods of this bean; will be empty if this bean has no constrained methods of the considered method type(s) but never null
      • getConstraintsForConstructor

        ConstructorDescriptor getConstraintsForConstructor​(java.lang.Class<?>... parameterTypes)
        Returns a constructor descriptor for the given constructor.

        Returns null if no constructor with the given parameter types exists or the specified constructor neither has parameter or return value constraints nor a parameter or return value marked for cascaded validation.

        parameterTypes - the parameter types of the constructor
        a constructor descriptor for the given constructor
      • getConstrainedConstructors

        java.util.Set<ConstructorDescriptor> getConstrainedConstructors()
        Returns a set with descriptors for the constrained constructors of the bean represented by this descriptor.

        Constrained constructors have at least one parameter or return value constraint or at least one parameter or return value marked for cascaded validation.

        a set with descriptors for the constrained constructor of this bean; will be empty if this bean has no constrained constructor but never null