az --version
- What you’ll learn
- Additional prerequisites
- Getting started
- Provisioning resources for Liberty on AKS
- Uploading images to a container registry
- Accessing and configuring an AKS cluster
- Deploying microservices to AKS
- Testing the microservices
- Tearing down the environment
- Great work! You’re done!
- Guide Attribution
Deploying microservices to Azure Kubernetes Service
Explore how to deploy microservices to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) on Microsoft Azure.
What you’ll learn
You will learn how to deploy two microservices in Open Liberty containers to a Kubernetes cluster on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
Kubernetes is an open source container orchestrator that automates many tasks involved in deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications. To learn more about Kubernetes and how to use it with the Open Liberty Operator, check out the Deploying a microservice to Kubernetes using Open Liberty Operator guide.
There are different cloud-based solutions for running your Kubernetes workloads. A cloud-based infrastructure enables you to focus on developing your microservices without worrying about low-level infrastructure details for deployment. Using a cloud helps you to easily scale and manage your microservices in a high-availability setup.
Azure offers a managed Kubernetes service called Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Using AKS simplifies the process of running Kubernetes on Azure without needing to install or maintain your own Kubernetes control plane. It provides a hosted Kubernetes cluster that you can deploy your microservices to. You will use AKS with Azure Container Registry (ACR). ACR is a private registry that is used to store and distribute your container images. Because AKS is not free, a cost might be associated with running this guide. See the official AKS pricing documentation for more details.
This guide will introduce the IBM WebSphere Liberty and Open Liberty on AKS plan, a solution that automates most of the standard steps for provisioning WebSphere Liberty or Open Liberty on an AKS cluster. Once the initial provisioning is complete, you can further customize your deployments as needed.
The two microservices you will deploy are called system
and inventory
The system
microservice returns the JVM system properties of the running container.
It also returns the name of the pod in the HTTP header, making replicas easy to distinguish from each other.
The inventory
microservice adds the properties from the system
microservice to the inventory.
This demonstrates how communication can be established between pods inside a cluster.
Additional prerequisites
Before you begin, the following additional tools need to be installed:
Docker: You need a containerization software for building containers. Kubernetes supports various container types, but you will use Docker in this guide. For installation instructions, refer to the official Docker documentation. If you already have Docker installed, make sure to have it running.
Azure subscription: To run this guide, you will need an Azure subscription. Navigate to the Microsoft Azure Purchase Options to create an account with your email and start a Pay-As-You-Go subscription.
IBM WebSphere Liberty and Open Liberty on AKS plan: You will need to use the IBM WebSphere Liberty and Open Liberty on AKS plan on Azure marketplace. See the official Create a Liberty on AKS deployment using the portal documentation for more information. Or, you can go directly to the plan. To use this plan, you must have one of the following Azure role-based access control sets: Contributor and User Access Administrator together, or Owner of the current subscription.
Azure CLI: You will need to use the Azure Command Line Interface (CLI). See the official Install the Azure CLI documentation for information about setting up the Azure CLI for your platform. To verify that the Azure CLI is installed correctly, run the following command:
kubectl: You need the Kubernetes command-line tool
to interact with your Kubernetes cluster. If you do not havekubectl
installed already, use the Azure CLI to download and installkubectl
with the following command:
az aks install-cli
sudo az aks install-cli
To begin this guide, make sure that you are logged in to Azure to get access to your subscription:
az login
Getting started
The fastest way to work through this guide is to clone the Git repository and use the projects that are provided inside:
git clone
cd guide-cloud-azure
The start
directory contains the starting project that you will build upon.
The finish
directory contains the finished project that you will build.
Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary prerequisites.
Provisioning resources for Liberty on AKS
To deploy your microservices to AKS with Liberty, you need to provision the necessary infrastructure. This involves creating an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster to host your microservices and an Azure Container Registry (ACR) to store and manage the container images.
Creating a resource group
A resource group is an Azure construct to manage a logical collection of resources for your cloud deployments on Azure. You must create a resource group to hold and manage the resources you need for your Kubernetes deployment.
To create a resource group efficiently, navigate to the IBM WebSphere Liberty and Open Liberty on AKS plan and click Create to begin.
In the Basics pane, for the Resource group field, select Create new and enter guideGroup
as the name of the resource group.

For the Region field, you must specify an Azure location. This location determines where the metadata for your resources is stored. If additional resources are created without specifying a location, they will default to the region you selected for the resource group. Click the Region drop-down menu and select the desired location.

Note that AKS is not available in all regions. Make sure that the region you select is compatible with AKS.
Setting up ACR and Kubernetes cluster on AKS
After you set up the resource group, leave the remaining configuration at its default settings by skipping the AKS, Load balancing, and Operator and application panes. The default configuration automatically sets up an Azure Container Registry in the same region where your services are deployed, links it to your resource group, creates an AKS cluster, and deploys the Open Liberty Operator to manage your Open Liberty applications.
For more information on configuring these options, see the Create a Liberty on AKS deployment using the portal documentation.
After you review the configurations, select Review + create to validate your setup. After validation, click Create to initiate the deployment, which can take up to 20 minutes to complete. You’ll see a Deployment is in progress
message, and when the deployment is complete, a Your deployment is complete
message will confirm the creation of the ACR and AKS cluster.
Uploading images to a container registry
Once your Azure Container Registry (ACR) is created, you can containerize your microservices and upload their Docker images to the ACR for storage and deployment.
Logging into the container registry
Before uploading your images, you need to log in to your Azure Container Registry (ACR). Navigate to the resource group overview in the Azure Portal and locate the container registry that was created during the deployment. You will find the registry name listed under the Name column.
For example, in the following screenshot, the registry name is acrc75e71

Use this registry name in place of [registry-name]
in the upcoming commands.
Alternatively, if you prefer using the command line, you can retrieve the container registry information by running the following command:
az acr list --resource-group guideGroup --output table
This command returns a table with the details of your ACR, including its name. Look for output similar to the following example:
NAME RESOURCE GROUP LOCATION SKU LOGIN SERVER CREATION DATE ADMIN ENABLED --------- ---------------- ---------- ----- -------------------- -------------------- --------------- acrc75e71 guideGroup eastus Basic 2024-08-09T17:53:38Z True
Once you have the registry name, log in to your Azure Container Registry using the following command, replacing [registry-name]
with the name of your container registry:
az acr login -n [registry-name]
If the login is successful, you will see the following message:
Login Succeeded
Building your Docker images
The starting Java project, which you can find in the start
directory, is a multi-module Maven
project. It is made up of the system
and inventory
microservices. Each microservice exists in its own directory,
and start/inventory
. Both of these directories contain a Dockerfile, which is necessary
for building the Docker images. If you’re unfamiliar with Dockerfiles, check out the
Containerizing microservices guide.
Navigate to the start
directory and run the following command:
mvn package
Now that your microservices are packaged, you can build the Docker images using the docker build
commands. Ensure that Docker is installed and the Docker daemon is running before proceeding.
Run the following commands to build and containerize the application:
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t system:1.0-SNAPSHOT system/.
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t inventory:1.0-SNAPSHOT inventory/.
To verify that the images are built, run the docker images
command to list all local Docker images:
docker images
Your two images, system
and inventory
, are included in the list of all Docker images:
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE inventory 1.0-SNAPSHOT 08fef024e986 4 minutes ago 471MB system 1.0-SNAPSHOT 1dff6d0b4f31 5 minutes ago 470MB
Pushing the images to a container registry
Pushing the images to a registry allows the cluster to create pods using your container images.
First, retrieve your registry server name, which typically be in the following format: [registry-name]
. You can find the server name by running the following command:
az acr show -n [registry-name] --query loginServer
Look for output similar to the following example.
Tag your container images with your registry by the following commands. Substitute your registry server name for the [registry-server]
docker tag system:1.0-SNAPSHOT [registry-server]/system:1.0-SNAPSHOT
docker tag inventory:1.0-SNAPSHOT [registry-server]/inventory:1.0-SNAPSHOT
Finally, push your images to the registry by running the following commands:
docker push [registry-server]/system:1.0-SNAPSHOT
docker push [registry-server]/inventory:1.0-SNAPSHOT
Accessing and configuring an AKS cluster
Since your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster is already set up, you can now access and configure it to deploy your microservices.
Connecting the AKS cluster to Kubernetes
To manage and interact with your AKS cluster using Kubernetes, you need to integrate the AKS cluster credentials into your local Kubernetes configuration. This integration allows your local Kubernetes CLI (kubectl
) to communicate with the AKS cluster for deploying and managing resources.
To begin, obtain the information about the Kubernetes cluster created within the guideGroup
resource group. You can find this information by either viewing the resource group overview in the Azure Portal or running the following command:
az aks list --resource-group guideGroup --output table
The cluster name, formatted as clusterXXXXXX
, is identified in the following output.
Name Location ResourceGroup KubernetesVersion CurrentKubernetesVersion ProvisioningState Fqdn ------------- ---------- --------------- ------------------- -------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------- clusterc75e71 eastus guideGroup 1.29 1.29.8 Succeeded
Merge the credentials of your cluster into your current Kubernetes configuration by using the az aks get-credentials
command. Replace [cluster-name]
with the name of the cluster. The default Kubernetes configuration file that is updated with your cluster credentials is located within the ~/.kube/config
az aks get-credentials -g guideGroup -n [cluster-name]
You will see an output similar to the following:
Merged [cluster-name] as current context in /Users/.kube/config
Run the following command to check the status of the available nodes in your AKS cluster:
kubectl get nodes
The kubectl get nodes
command outputs information about the node. Ensure that the STATUS
of the node is in the Ready
state before you proceed.
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION aks-agentpool-15010410-vmss000000 Ready <none> 65m v1.29.8
Storing registry credentials in a secret
To be able to pull the images from your Azure container registry, the credentials of your registry must be added to your service through a secret.
View the password for your Azure container registry:
az acr credential show -n [registry-name] --query "passwords[0].value" -o tsv
Use the kubectl create secret docker-registry
command to create a secret to hold your registry credentials.
Replace [password]
with the registry password that you viewed with the
az acr credential show -n [registry-name]
command. The email that is associated with your Docker account replaces [email-address]
kubectl create secret docker-registry guidesecret ^
--docker-server=[registry-server] ^
--docker-username=[registry-name] ^
--docker-password=[password] ^
kubectl create secret docker-registry guidesecret \
--docker-server=[registry-server] \
--docker-username=[registry-name] \
--docker-password=[password] \
The secret is successfully created with the following output:
secret/guidesecret created
Deploying microservices to AKS
Now that your container images are built and your Kubernetes cluster is ready, you can deploy your microservices using the Open Liberty Operator.
Creating a deployment definition
The Open Liberty Operator provides custom resource definitions (CRDs) that define how your Open Liberty applications are deployed. These CRDs are described in a YAML file, which outlines the deployment details and services required for your application. You can also delete any resources from the cluster by using the same YAML file that you used to deploy them. In this guide, the deploy.yaml
resource definition file is provided for you. To learn more about deploying microservices using the Open Liberty Operator, check out the Deploying a microservice to Kubernetes using Open Liberty Operator guide.
Update thedeploy.yaml
file in thestart
Replace [registry-server]
with your container registry server.
You can get the login server for your registry by running the az acr show -n [registry-name] --query loginServer
2# tag::sysCr[]
3kind: OpenLibertyApplication
4# end::sysCr[]
6 name: system-deployment
7 labels:
8 app: system
10 # tag::sysImage[]
11 applicationImage: "[registry-server]/system:1.0-SNAPSHOT"
12 # end::sysImage[]
13 service:
14 # tag::sysLoadBalancer[]
15 type: LoadBalancer
16 # end::sysLoadBalancer[]
17 port: 9080
18 expose: true
19 # tag::sysSecret[]
20 pullSecret: guidesecret
21 # end::sysSecret[]
24# tag::invCr[]
25kind: OpenLibertyApplication
26# end::invCr[]
28 name: inventory-deployment
29 labels:
30 app: inventory
32 # tag::invImage[]
33 applicationImage: "[registry-server]/inventory:1.0-SNAPSHOT"
34 # end::invImage[]
35 service:
36 # tag::invLoadBalancer[]
37 type: LoadBalancer
38 # end::invLoadBalancer[]
39 port: 9081
40 expose: true
41 # tag::invSecret[]
42 pullSecret: guidesecret
43 # end::invSecret[]
In the deploy.yaml
file, the custom resource (CR) is specified to be OpenLibertyApplication
. The applicationImage
is the name and tag of the container image that you want
to use for the container. The deploy.yaml
file references the images that you pushed to your registry
for the system
and inventory
repositories. These images can be pulled
with the secret
that you defined before.
The service that is used to expose your deployments has a type of LoadBalancer
This means you can access these services from IP addresses that forward incoming traffic to your nodepool via a specific port.
You can expose your services in other ways such as using a NodePort
service type.
Deploying your application
To deploy your microservices to Azure Kubernetes Service, you need Kubernetes to create
the contents of the deploy.yaml
Run the following command to deploy the resources defined in the deploy.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml
You will see an output similar to the following: created created
Run the following command to check the status of your pods:
kubectl get pods
If all the pods are healthy and running, you see an output similar to the following:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE inventory-deployment-5d6bcf79bc-nm6bm 1/1 Running 0 33s system-deployment-f7757c55-2t7mk 1/1 Running 0 35s
Making requests to the microservices
You need the external IP addresses that are associated with the system
and inventory
services to try out your microservices.
Take note of the EXTERNAL-IP
in the output of the following commands. It is the
hostname that you will later substitute into [EXTERNAL-IP]
to access the system
and inventory
View the information of the system
service to see its EXTERNAL-IP
kubectl get service/system-deployment
You need to wait a while for the EXTERNAL-IP
to change from <pending>
to an IP address.
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE system-deployment LoadBalancer <pending> 9080:30260/TCP 3s
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE system-deployment LoadBalancer 9080:32480/TCP 16s
View the information of the inventory
service to see its EXTERNAL-IP
kubectl get service/inventory-deployment
You will need to wait a while for the EXTERNAL-IP
to change from <pending>
to an IP address.
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE inventory-deployment LoadBalancer <pending> 9081:30431/TCP 2s
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE inventory-deployment LoadBalancer 9081:30431/TCP 74s
To access your microservices, point your browser to the following URLs, substituting the appropriate EXTERNAL-IP
for the system
and inventory
In the first URL, you see a result in JSON format with the system properties of the container JVM. The second URL returns an empty list, which is expected because no system properties are stored in the inventory yet.
Point your browser to the http://[inventory-EXTERNAL-IP]:9081/inventory/systems/[system-EXTERNAL-IP]
URL. When you visit this URL, these system
properties are automatically stored in the inventory. Go back to http://[inventory-EXTERNAL-IP]:9081/inventory/systems
you see a new entry for [system-EXTERNAL-IP]
Testing the microservices
A few tests are included for you to test the basic functionality of the microservices. If a test failure occurs, then you might have introduced a bug into the code. To run the tests, wait for all pods to be in the ready state before you proceed further.
1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
2<project xmlns=""
3 xmlns:xsi=""
4 xsi:schemaLocation="">
6 <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
8 <groupId>io.openliberty.guides</groupId>
10 <artifactId>guide-cloud-azure-inventory</artifactId>
11 <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
12 <packaging>war</packaging>
14 <properties>
15 <>UTF-8</>
16 <project.reporting.outputEncoding>UTF-8</project.reporting.outputEncoding>
17 <maven.compiler.source>11</maven.compiler.source>
18 <>11</>
19 <!-- Default test properties -->
20 <!-- tag::sysHttpPort[] -->
21 <sys.http.port>9080</sys.http.port>
22 <!-- end::sysHttpPort[] -->
23 <!-- tag::invHttpPort[] -->
24 <inv.http.port>9081</inv.http.port>
25 <!-- end::invHttpPort[] -->
26 <inv.https.port>9444</inv.https.port>
27 <!-- tag::sysKubeService[] -->
28 <system.ip>system-service</system.ip>
29 <!-- end::sysKubeService[] -->
30 <!-- tag::invKubeService[] -->
31 <inventory.ip>inventory-service</inventory.ip>
32 <!-- end::invKubeService[] -->
33 <!-- Liberty configuration -->
34 <liberty.var.system.http.port>${sys.http.port}</liberty.var.system.http.port>
35 <liberty.var.http.port>${inv.http.port}</liberty.var.http.port>
36 <liberty.var.https.port>${inv.https.port}</liberty.var.https.port>
37 </properties>
39 <dependencies>
40 <!-- Provided dependencies -->
41 <dependency>
42 <groupId>jakarta.platform</groupId>
43 <artifactId>jakarta.jakartaee-api</artifactId>
44 <version>10.0.0</version>
45 <scope>provided</scope>
46 </dependency>
47 <dependency>
48 <groupId>org.eclipse.microprofile</groupId>
49 <artifactId>microprofile</artifactId>
50 <version>7.0</version>
51 <type>pom</type>
52 <scope>provided</scope>
53 </dependency>
54 <!-- For tests -->
55 <dependency>
56 <groupId>org.junit.jupiter</groupId>
57 <artifactId>junit-jupiter</artifactId>
58 <version>5.11.4</version>
59 <scope>test</scope>
60 </dependency>
61 <dependency>
62 <groupId>org.jboss.resteasy</groupId>
63 <artifactId>resteasy-client</artifactId>
64 <version>6.2.11.Final</version>
65 <scope>test</scope>
66 </dependency>
67 <dependency>
68 <groupId>org.jboss.resteasy</groupId>
69 <artifactId>resteasy-json-binding-provider</artifactId>
70 <version>6.2.11.Final</version>
71 <scope>test</scope>
72 </dependency>
73 <dependency>
74 <groupId>org.glassfish</groupId>
75 <artifactId>jakarta.json</artifactId>
76 <version>2.0.1</version>
77 <scope>test</scope>
78 </dependency>
79 </dependencies>
81 <build>
82 <finalName>${project.artifactId}</finalName>
83 <plugins>
84 <plugin>
85 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
86 <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId>
87 <version>3.4.0</version>
88 </plugin>
89 <!-- Enable Liberty Maven plugin -->
90 <plugin>
91 <groupId></groupId>
92 <artifactId>liberty-maven-plugin</artifactId>
93 <version>3.11.2</version>
94 </plugin>
95 <!-- Plugin to run unit tests -->
96 <plugin>
97 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
98 <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
99 <version>3.5.2</version>
100 </plugin>
101 <!-- Plugin to run functional tests -->
102 <plugin>
103 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
104 <artifactId>maven-failsafe-plugin</artifactId>
105 <version>3.5.2</version>
106 <configuration>
107 <systemPropertyVariables>
108 <system.ip>${system.ip}</system.ip>
109 <inventory.ip>${inventory.ip}</inventory.ip>
110 <system.http.port>${sys.http.port}</system.http.port>
111 <inventory.http.port>${inv.http.port}</inventory.http.port>
112 </systemPropertyVariables>
113 </configuration>
114 </plugin>
115 </plugins>
116 </build>
The default properties that are defined in the pom.xml
file are:
Property | Description |
Name of the Kubernetes Service wrapping the |
Name of the Kubernetes Service wrapping the |
The HTTP port for the Kubernetes Service |
The HTTP port of the Kubernetes Service |
Running the tests
Run the Maven failsafe:integration-test
goal to test your microservices by replacing [system-EXTERNAL-IP]
and [inventory-EXTERNAL-IP]
with the values that were determined in the previous section.
mvn failsafe:integration-test -Dsystem.ip=[system-EXTERNAL-IP] -Dinventory.ip=[inventory-EXTERNAL-IP]
If the tests pass, you will see an output similar to the following for each service:
------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Running Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.673 sec - in Results: Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Running Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.222 sec - in Results: Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
Tearing down the environment
It is important to clean up your resources when you are finished with the guide so that you do not incur extra charges for ongoing usage.
When you no longer need your deployed microservices, you can delete all Kubernetes resources
by running the kubectl delete
kubectl delete -f deploy.yaml
Because you are done testing your cluster, clean up all of its related sources using the az group delete
This command removes the resource group, container service, and all related resources:
az group delete -g guideGroup --yes --no-wait
Great work! You’re done!
You have just deployed two microservices running in Open Liberty to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). You also
learned how to use kubectl
to deploy your microservices on a Kubernetes cluster.
Guide Attribution
Deploying microservices to Azure Kubernetes Service by Open Liberty is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0
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